Otherland-Adventskalender - 5. Tür
| von Jakob | (Kommentare: 3)

David Wellington
Die letzte Astronautin
Piper: €18
Kurzer, mitunter sehr spannender und zuweilen düsterer First Contact Trip, der wissenschaftlich sehr geerdet bleibt. Kein Buch, das es in den SF-Pantheon schaffen wird, aber bestens geeignet für eine SF-Schrecksekunde zwischendurch. [Simon]
Greg Egan
Best of Greg Egan
Night Shade Books: €22
Greg Egan has a reputation among readers and colleagues for writing the most scientifically rigorous and challenging stories in the hard scifi genre. Ken MacLeod once jokingly hypothesized that Egan must be "breaking into scientist's labs at night to steal their notes" as the basis of his work. While that is (probably) not true, the accuracy and inventiveness of Egan's work is pretty much unparalleled. This is never more true than in his short work, where he gets to throw around his wildest ideas in sharp bursts, leaving the reader dazzled and ruminative (there are stories of his I read decades ago and still think about regularly these days).
Here now is a collection of some of his short work over the past 25 years. If you own his four previous collections Axiomatic, Oceanic, Luminous, and Instantiation then lucky you - because they're not all that easy to get - but also there's no need to buy this book, there are no new stories to be found here. If you don't, and you're into hard science fiction, and also don't mind the occasional page of speculative physics or math that set you gasping for air even if you have a university degree in the subject, then this book is a must-read. [Marc]